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University Automation Software/University Automation System
Mohitraj is the first company in India which provides complete ERP solutions for fully automations software of Universities and various education technologies like that Learning Systems, Learning Materials for Interactive education, E-Learning, online education and Bio-Informatics management systems on education domain. The University Automation system(UAS) covers all the universities like that Aggriculture & Technology universities , Sate Universities, Central Universities and Private Universities. Some important ERP Solutions are below:
University Automation Software for Agg. Universities
Introduction:- The University Automation Software (UAS) is a Enterprises resources planning (ERP) software for universities provide fully automation environment to the Universities with latest use of Information Technology enabled services and ready to use following features and facilities.
Advantage of University Automation Software:
The main features of University Automation Software are as following.
Data and Information share: -
The software will be made user friendly the can share data and information to various user with the help of local area network.
Resource Share: -
All the hardware of the university connected with local area network user can share the hardware like that printer, scanner and other relevant tools.
Reduce the number of working steps: -
The hardware of the university connected point to point and software provides the facilities to user can access data from server and used any other places.
Sped and Accuracy: -
Information Technology provides very high speed to computers and networks to communicate the data and also make numerical analysis of data accurately.
Reduce the duplicacy : -
The software will be made highly interesting as well as information. The data can use as per desired format many other places with the help of LAN, so it is very helpful for reducing delicacy of files.
Increase the working efficiency: -
The development of Software would be increase-working efficiency of the University Employees functions. It will be user Friendly and connected with the local area network and highly interactive profile computers.
Informative and effective:-
These software are customized according to need of an University and provides the tailored solution to the University.
Highly User-Interactive Software: -
The software will be made highly interesting as well as informative by incorporating various user-interactive features. Sections of interesting contents and interactive zones will be added to reflect the theme and philosophy and retain user’s interest in the Software.
Easy Navigation/Flow of Information:-
The Software will be made very user-friendly and flow of information will be designed in a manner to provide easy navigation to the users. The navigation bar, of proper size and attractive buttons would be made available on all pages to enhance the navigation and looks.
Security and confidentially of Records and Data:-
The software will have many future of security of data-like that fire walls and pass words etc. to university officers & staff. Nobody can take information/data without permission of Authorized persons.
Models of the University Automation Software (UAS):
V. C. Office
Vice Chancellor is the whole Time Officer of the University. He is the Chief Executive & Academic Officer of the University. He has the need of more information from various department of the university to control functions and manage various information of the university. The all the models of UAS will be directly connected to the vice chancellor systems so that he can have a direct view of all the department of the university and provide instructions to the same. The Models f the UAS covers file management, proposal, E-filing, Board of management meeting, Academic councils meetings, & other committees Meeting & their working performance. The report generating like-status of the existing academic staff and non-teaching staff, & their working status, status of the research projects, status of the extension programs, status of the students & research scholars and their Progress, status and progresses of other programs.
Registrar Office
Registrar of the another full time officer of the University. He is responsible for the custody of all the records of the university. He is also incharge of all the academic and entrance examination of the university and is responsible for maintaining records of the all courses, curricula and other information as deem necessary. So all the models of UAS will be available at the registrars systems. So that he can get all the information needed and can maintain the records based on the information available and also manage all the functions of the university smoothly and effectively.
Examination and Confidential Department
The examination confidential department will be directly control under the registrar. This model provides facility to conduct entrance and academic examinations of the university and maintain records. The model keeps track of admission process like-information about the progress of application form of the students like issuing, filling, verifying and accepting, prepare results of entrance examination with follow-up reservation criteria of the university/governing body rules & regulations. Generating merit list and complete admission process.
This model also prepare academic examination form format, examination list course wise, year wise, issuing admits cards preparation of attendance sheet for examination maintain the records of the exams of every classes, semester wise or yearly. Maintain the records of re-examination or back papers of the student’s preparation examination list and marks charge, issuing I.D. No. or enrolment No., issuing roll number, Preparation results marks charts, result analyses, mark sheets, issuing migration certificate of the students etc.
Comptroller Office
The Government appointed whole time comptroller in the university. He is the custodian all the property of the university and prepares and presents the budget and statement of the accounts to the vice-chancellor so that the account finance store and purchase models of the UAS will be directly under the control of the comptroller. So with the help of UAS he can manage these departments with easy and comfort.
Account & Finance Department
This model define all the payments and receipt of the university like that fees of the students, daily running expenses, building and constructions, labs and lab equipments, maintenance, farms, research activities, and research stations etc. related to all the expenses and other grants of the university received by government and others. This model also generates staff and pay rolls, general accounting report like cashbook, bankbook, trial balance, income and expenditure statement payment and research statements etc.
Staff & Payroll
This module defines the of staff payment, staff promotion or demotion, salary increment, staff leaves approval, payroll. In the process of staff payment account transactions are carried out. The payment transaction is carried out between the staff account and salary account. Staff gets the salary statement. Staff promotion or demotion is done depending on the staff performance and his/her service. This module helps to generate reports like – staff workload, service book, salary slip & certificate, form 16 etc.
Purchase Department
The University manage & supervise his purchasing by central purchase committee. All the purchasing made under the directions of central parches committee as per rules regulations. This model of UAS maintain all the records and necessary information related to purchasing like that purchasing request form the various departments, purchasing process, Detailed report of purchasing committee Decision, purchasing Procedure And terms and conditions etc.
Store Department
This model of AUS maintain and mange store systems, all the records of the Store and their stock of the university items. The store department record manage, two places one in central store records maintain all the university store and their stock ,and another record maintain departments wise and generate the report central store, departments & others
Directorate of research/ Research Projects
The research works of the university co-ordinate and supervise by the directorate of research. This model of the UAS keeps, manage and maintain all details and necessary information of all the research activities of the university like that
Manage all the information of research work committee (RAC) regarding allocation of funds conditions accepting grants and any other matter affecting the research programs.
Co-ordinate and manage all the research activities in the university
Admission, budgeting, monitoring, evaluation and processing of the research projects and programs.
Administration, management and monitoring of research center / research station located with in the university and outside university campus.
Information of progress report of research project.
Details of all research center / research station, research project, research activities, research infrastructures and their progress report.
Generate all the report like that title of the projects, name and address of PI, No. of staff working, date of start and terminate of project, source of funding, sanctioned budgets, utilize budget, infrastructure, progress and their results, university wise, research center wise, college wise and print the research report and highlights, processing of the research paper and publication.
Information of production of Breeder sheets of important crop variety and generate the report of crop, variety, year, character/suitability of new varieties.
Directorate of extension/ Implication Research Out Comes
Directorate of Extension transfers research out comes and technology activities to farmer through various activities and programs like that demonstration validation trials, and training with help of KVKs/KGKs. This model of UAS keeps information and maintain all details of extension programs, allocation of funds, publication of extension literature, KVK & KGK, Gosthi / Meeting / field days, training programs and demonstration like that farmer fair, agro industrial exhibition etc. at university, KVKs & KGKs and general the report of KVKs / KGKs & its staff and same.
Training programs organized, details of demonstration conducted details of gosthies / meetings / field days and their expenditure zone wise, districts wise, KVKs & KGKs wise. And also generate the report on activity achievement of KVKs, KGKs, ATIC departments, colleges wise, and farm machineries, internal mark, students course erected and their performance report department wise, college wise, faculty wise etc.
College and Department
Each facility has dean who is the chairman of the board of faculties and responsible for due implementation of the statutes and regulations related to the faculty, he is also responsible for the organization and conduct of teaching research and extension work of the departments. Each faculty has number of department and each to the dean for organization and operation of the departments.
This model of the UAS keeps and maintains all the information of the teaching, research and extension of the colleges and departments of the university and general the report of department wise strength of academic staff, research staff, students and Non-teaching staff, academic course, academic concludes, research project, extension programs, time table, infrastructure, labs and lab equipments Students & Teachers working efficiency etc.
Chief Personal Officer
The Chief Personal Officer maintains all the records and arrangements of teaching staff and officers of the university. The model of UAS keeps and maintain all the information related to recruitment, selection, new appointments, promotion, appointments of guest facility, hire studies, deputation leaves, discipline and retirements of the teaching staff and officers and generates the reports of teaching staff and officers appointed in the year, joining dates, new faculty appointments, faculty member promotions, teachers and officers retirements
Establishment Officer
The Establishment Officer maintains all the records and arrangements of non- teaching staff of the university. The model of UAS keeps and maintain all the information related to process of recruitment, selection, new appointments, promotion, appointments, hire studies, deputation leaves, discipline and retirements of the non-teaching staff and generates the reports of non-teaching staff appointed in the year, joining dates, new staff appointments, staff member promotions, non-teaching staff retirements
Dean Student Welfare
The model of UAS keep and maintain records of arrangement of boarding and lodging facilities of the students, students counseling, sports, clubs, professional societies accommodations and other facilities, student welfare activities, importent celebrations and generate the reports, room booking ,bed type facilities, occupancy, vacant bed filled beds, building wise capacity class wise student information’s, details of sport good and stocks, sport activities program and report related to student welfare active and their calendar. This model also maintain records of old student and alumni
Directorate of Administration monitoring
This model of UAS keeps and maintains information of Directorate of administration and monitoring like the linkage with district administration and ensure compliances orders in university for education in different departments and also manage the security system of the university.
Directorate of Training & Placements
This model of UAS manages the training programs of the university and manage placement of the students in public sector and private sector. This model also maintain details of students. The university invest lot of money in developing well trained man power for development of agriculture, industries, enterprises, science, technology etc. This models keeps and maintain all the record of trained man power /students, nationals multination companies and their senior executives. This model also generate the report of details trained student and relevant information, details list of national and multi-national companies their address, date of campus and off campus interview, numbers of students selected etc.
Directorate of works and plants
This models of UAS keeps and maintain the information all the work related to construction, repair and maintenance of various buildings and campus residences, roads, culverts, drains, generals maintenances and conservancy services in main campus and out stationery of the university, for run smoothly functioning this model divided in four division, construction, divisions, general division & electric division.
The construction of building, roads culverts, drains and their maintenance done by construction division, the conservancy work done by general division, the conservancy work done by general division, the all internal and external electrification and their maintenance works at main campus and as well as out campus of university done by electric division. The all-internal and external water supply and sanitation maintain by water division. This models help for generate various kinds of report like-details of staff working, Details of projects in progress, sectioned budget, date of starting and termination projected details of maintenance and their complaints details of infrastructure etc
The entire procedure of Library viz. Issue, Receipt, Stores, Requisition, acquisition register is maintained & automated under this head. This module provides information regarding OPAC, Cataloging, classification, and Stock verification, Budget, generating Barcodes, etc. Also can generate the various reports like members report, book report, Issue return, requisition, periodicals, various types of Letter, Stock Verification, and Missing Stock etc.
University farms
The university has farms for production of Quality of seeds to boost agricultural production in the country the production of seeds and supply of quality Breeder seeds of different crop, variety is landmark achievement of the university and university farm. The Farm manages and Supervised by General manager university farms.
The infrastructure of the farm was also strengthened by procuring improved tractors, agricultural implements and machinery, means of irrigation, construction of building and roads etc. The modules of the UAS Keeps and maintain all the information like that utilization of farm area, details, of officers and workers, farm infrastructure, details of area, production and productivity of different kharif & Rabi seed crops etc