Mohitraj Research Tech Pvt. Ltd. is a multi functional company providing world class consultancy services in the field of education, IT Enables Services, Marketing Research, Industrial Research, Feed back analysis, Advertising for entire development of Education & Industries etc. Some of them are given below
IT Enabled Services
The Company offers various services related to information technology which are given below :
- Education & Training of Information Technology.
- Software Development.
- Development, Hosting & Promotion of Website.
- Maintenance & establishment of Hardware.
- Automation or Computerisation of the department, Industries & others.
- Networking Solutions & Management.
- E-commerce & M-commerce solution.
- AMC to the maintenance of existing Software & Hardware.
Company Provides complete solution of advertising to in Areas of development & designing of advertisement, Event Management, Indoor & Out door advertisement. Given as
- Development & designing of Advertisement for TV , Cable TV , Digital Ad, Glow sign & all other type of electronic & Print Media.
- Out door & In Door Publicity by all Electronic & Print Media like that Glow sign Board , digital board , vinyl board , solvent Board , Flex Board, Tin Board, Holdings, Screen/Banners etc.
- Printing and development of advertisement.
- Event Management
- Trade Shows.
- Education Fair.
- Business Fair.
- Product Demonstration in Auditorium.
- Seminar.
- Fashion Show
- Quiz or Prize Contest.
- Road Show.
- Star Night.
- Ad Van Demonstration.
The Company Providesthe consultancy & services of marketing research to the orgnisation. It is widely used in decision making and minimize the business risk. A good business can not possible without marketing research. The company provides following services
- Business/Economic & Corporate Research.
- Marketing Research of Product, Price, Distribution, Advertising & Sales Promotion.
- Marketing Research of FMCG Product & Various Services, Gathering target market Information, Market Research, Forecasting, Launching, Budgeting, Brand Promotion & Product Positioning.
- Media Research.
- Political Research.
- Social & Development Research.
- Qualitative & Quantitative Research.
- Data Collection & Market Survey.
- Feed back Analysis.
- Deterministic & Non Deterministic Analysis.
- Provide Right & Depth Information to Overseas Companies Planning of entry in to India.
Education :
The Company Providesthe consultancy & services of marketing research to the orgnisation. It is widely used in decision making and minimize the business risk. A good business can not possible without marketing research. The company provides following services
- Training & Development of latest technology & ultramodern teaching technology.
- To prepare project report of the Educational Institutions.
- Establishment of educational project & guidance to practical execution & installation of engineering collage, medical college. Management Institute, Medical institute, B. Ed. College, Pharmacy College & School of C.B.S.E. & I.C.S.E. etc.
- To provide the help for affiliation & approval of the Institute, College, School from concerned authorities and department.
- To establish & services of Lab & Labs equipments of Institutions.
- Development of Technical Projects.
- Development & Promotion of Educational Institutions.
- Development of Ultramodern Teaching Techniques.
- Development of Hi-tech Electronically well maintained Classrooms with Audio-Visual Teaching Facilities.
- Networking of the Labs, Department & Institutions etc.
- Development of Online Education Facilities & Teaching Material.
- Development & Printing of Course material, Notes, Books, Magazines, Periodicals & other materials along with Electronic Media.
- Development of E-Library.
- Printing the material.
Industrial Research
The company Offers various services to the Industrials development for minimizing risk & maximization profit.
- Preparation of Pre-feasibility reports on lucrative projects.
- Market Survey cum-detail Techno-Economic fusibility report.
- Guidance to practical project execution or installation.
- Financial Survey report.
- Economic Survey report.
- Development of Technical Projects.
- Management Consultancy.
- Preparation of procedures& systems for quality standard certification, quality assurance & quality control .